How to Wear Headphones with Curly Hair Without It Getting Tangled

If you have curly hair, you might wonder how to wear headphones without messing up your hair. Wearing headphones can help keep your hair from getting frizzy and messy.

So, wearing headphones is a great option if you’re looking for a way to listen to music or podcasts while working out or running errands.

But the question remains: how do you wear headphones with curly hair? In this article, we will answer that question in detail.

The Different Headphones That Matter

Headphones matter a lot when it comes to curly hair, mainly because it can be challenging to wear on your head.

There are three main types of headphones:

1. Earbuds
2. On-ear
3. Over-ear.

And each type has its pros and cons regarding curly hair.

1. Earbuds

It’s small and compact, making them a good option if you have short or fine hair. They’re also less likely to cause headphone hair, which is when your hair gets tangled around the headphones.


The downside of earbuds is that they can be uncomfortable to wear for long periods, and they don’t block out noise, as well as other types of headphones.

2. On-ear

On-ear headphones are more significant than earbuds but don’t go over your entire ear. They’re a good middle ground between earbuds and over-ear headphones.

On hair headphone

On-ear headphones are less likely to cause headphone hair than over-ear headphones, but they can still be uncomfortable to wear for long periods. So keep it in mind before you are going to use it.

3. Over-ear

Over Hair headphone

Over-ear headphones are the most significant headphones that go over your entire ear because it is more extensive than On-Ear headphones.

They’re the best at blocking out noise but are the most likely to cause headphone hair.

Curly hair users should avoid over-ear headphones to prevent headphone hair. But if you cannot do this and you choose to wear over-ear headphones, there are a few things you can do to prevent headphone hair.

  • Choose over-ear headphones that have a tight fit. This will limit the amount of movement and prevent the headphones from slipping off.
  • Use a headband to keep your hair in place. This will help to keep the headphones from slipping and will also help to keep your hair from getting tangled in the headphones.
  • Use a leave-in conditioner or oil to keep your hair healthy and hydrated. It will help to prevent your hair from becoming dry and brittle, which can lead to breakage.
  • Avoid using over-ear headphones when it is windy outside. The wind can cause the headphones to slip off and can also cause your hair to become tangled in the headphones.
  • Lastly, avoid using over-ear headphones when you are sweating. Sweat can cause the headphones to slip and can also cause your hair to become tangled in the headphones.

What are the best headphones for people with curly hair?

Now that you know different headphones, let’s talk about how to fit into your curly hair comfortably.


1) Short or fine curly hair

An earbud is the best type of headphone for short or fine curly hair. Earbuds are small and compact, so they won’t damage your hair or cause it to get tangled. So it is the best fit for short hair.

2) Medium-length or thick curly hair

On-ear headphones are more prominent than earbuds but don’t cover your entire ear. This means they won’t weigh down your hair or cause it to get tangled.

An on-ear is considered the best type of headphone for medium-length or thick curly hair.

3.) For long curly hair

So you have long hair, but it’s curly. In this case, over-ear headphones are an excellent fit for you because it’s easy to keep your hair out of the way. Some headphones come with a headband that can help keep your hair in place.

How To Wear Headphones With Curly Hair (Some Easy Methods)

How To Wear Headphones With Curly Hair (Some Easy Methods)

Most headphones are designed for people with straight hair and don’t fit well on curly hair.

There are a few methods that you can use to wear headphones with curly hair.

1. Wear your headphones over a headband

By wearing your headphones over a headband, you can keep your curly hair away from your ears and keep the headphones in place. This is the best way to wear headphones with curly hair.

2. Use bobby pins

If you have short, curly hair, you can use bobby pins to keep your hair out of your face and keep the headphones in place.

3. Use a headband with built-in headphones.

Some headbands come with built-in headphones. This is the best way to wear headphones with curly hair because you don’t have to worry about the headphones falling out.

4. Use clip-on headphones

Also, there are clip-on headphones that you can use. A headphone clip is a good option if you don’t want to wear a headband or use bobby pins.

6. Put your hair up in a ponytail

A ponytail will also help keep your hair out of your face and the headphones in place. Put your hair in a ponytail, and then put the headphones on.

Tips for Wearing Headphones with Curly Hair

Now that you know the best type of headphone for your hair type, here are a few tips for wearing headphones with curly hair:

1. Use a leave-in conditioner

A leave-in conditioner will help keep your hair from getting tangled in the headphones.

2. Put your hair up

If you have long, curly hair, putting your hair up in a ponytail or bun will help prevent headphone hair.

3. Choose the right headphones

If you have curly hair, avoid over-ear headphones. You can avoid “headphone hair” by creating a little pocket for the pieces of hair that would otherwise get trapped in your headphones.

4. Use a detangler

For those with curly hair, a detangler is essential to reducing or eliminating the tangles that can happen if you use headphones.

If a detangler isn’t enough for your hair, try a specially designed comb or product.

5. Be careful when removing the headphones

When removing the headphones, be careful not to tug on your hair. Tugging on your hair can cause it to break or get tangled.

6. Don’t wear the headphones for too long

Wearing headphones for too long can cause headaches and neck pain. If you start to feel pain, take a break and give your head a rest.

7. Take care of your headphones:

If you have curly hair, you know that it can be tough on your hair. The same is true for headphones. Be sure to take care of your headphones so they’ll last longer.

8. Invest in a good pair of headphones

A good pair of headphones will be more comfortable and last longer than a cheap pair of headphones. If you have curly hair, it’s worth it to invest in a good pair of headphones.

9. Don’t forget to brush your hair.

Even wearing headphones, you should still brush your hair daily. Brushing your hair will help prevent tangles and keep it looking its best.

10. Protect your hair

Wear a hat or scarf to protect your hair if you’re going out in the sun. The sun can damage your hair, so taking precautions is essential.

11. Try different styles

Try different styles if you tire of wearing your hair in a ponytail or bun. There are plenty of ways to wear headphones with curly hair.

12. Have fun

Wearing headphones with curly hair can be a lot of fun. Experiment with different styles and find what works best for you.

13. Be confident

Confidence is the key to wearing headphones with curly hair. Embrace your natural curls and rock those headphones!

The bottom line

You can try wearing your hair in a ponytail or bun or using a headband to keep your hair out of your face.

Whichever way you wear your headphones, ensure you’re comfortable and your hair won’t get in the way of your listening experience.

FAQ Related to Wearing Headphones on curly hair

Here are some of the common questions and their answers people always ask!

Do I need to use a particular type of headphones with curly hair?

A: No, you don’t need to use special headphones with curly hair. Choose a comfortable pair that won’t slip off your head.

Do Headphones Damage Curly Hair?

A: No, headphones don’t damage curly hair. However, wearing them too often or for too long can cause your hair to become tangled.

Be sure to take breaks from wearing headphones and brush your hair regularly to avoid tangles.

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