How To Work Out In Your Office?

Taking care of your fitness through exercise is very important, and this becomes even more important when you work a 9-5 job. Experts believe that long sitting time increases your chance of getting chronic illness exponentially.

Moreover, you will notice that regardless of age, you will also start to feel pain and the symptoms of chronic back pain.

These symptoms are related to long sitting ties, bad posture, and extensive sitting. Most desk jobs require you to sit for a long time, so you will notice that you will retain a good posture for the first few hours of the day, but as you go along, you will start to slump.

The slouch becomes evident in the last few hours, eventually becoming permanent over the years.

Why Is Workout Stress Your Body?

Bad sitting posture will not just cause you pain, but also the long sitting time will eventually catch up, and you will notice that an extra fat layer will start to develop the right front of your stomach, making you feel like you have a pot belly.

Why Is Workout Stress Your Body?

Although this is not directly linked with extensive sitting studies, have evidence that when you sit for a long time and do not work out, the extra aft can make you obese.

This is the reason you will see that even high-paying IT jobs or low-paying desk jobs will offer you some time to gain back your energy.

Big IT companies are stepping forward in offering in-house gyms and good and healthy food that can promote overall healthy living.

However, if you are not working at a big IT firm trying to push you to have a healthy lifestyle, it doesn’t mean you should not work on a healthy lifestyle. Instead, your goal should be to continuously look for ways to stay healthy.

With the help of this article, we will look at some simple and fun ways to work in your office. This is not just limited to stretching but also involves some easy exercises you can do in your minute daily break for better fitness.

Daily Stretching

Since you will be sitting on the chair for a long time, you have to start with simple stretches that can help eliminate the pain and muscle stiffness.

Some of the simple stretches that you can try include:

Daily Stretching

360-degree wrist

For this, you will bring your arms right in front of you and then lightly start to revolve your hands near the wrist at a 360-degree angle. Then you can end it off with some full-hand opening and closing maneuvers.

Full leg extension

This is a far simple yet very relaxing stretch because as you stay seated for a long time, you will start to feel extreme tension near the knee area. This workout will mainly help in targeting the lower knee and the calves.

As you stay seated in the chair, you must bring your legs up at the same level as the seat. Then keep it there before taking it down.

Next, you can use the thumb of your hand for a circular motion massage near the knee area.

Sitting forward bend

This is the stretch that will save you from lower back pain. For this stretch, you can stay seated on the chair and raise your hands above your head.

The goal is to start now to bend forward till you can touch the table in front of you. This is not painful, but eventually, it can make you relax after three sitting forward bends.

You can also check out these Mindfulness tips guide.

360-degree shoulder roll

This simple stretch requires you to bring both hands above your shoulder and then revolve them 360.

However, you will need to ensure that the speed is not too much because it can eventually strain your shoulder and upper back muscles.  

5 Minutes Simple Workout Plan

Apart from stretching, you can also start a simple workout plan that you can try during recess. If you are struggling with the workout, here is how you can start:
  • Start with a simple walk for one minute and then take just 10 seconds break. This way, you can repeat the same timing pattern to make a simple HIIT workout plan.
  • After that, you can start with lunges for one minute to help you mobilize the lower body.
  • Then go for classic squats. This can help you improve your posture and focus mainly on the lower body.
  • Push is a great upper-body workout that you can add to your routine; however, with so many push-up variations, you can also target different muscle groups.

Bottom Line

fitness at office

To sum it all up, your fitness has nothing to do with time and everything to do with your willingness to work.

The more you try to take out some time, the more you will eventually realize that so many ways can help you work out in a much better way without using any equipment or without getting a gym membership.

Small things available in the office can also be used for daily training if you do not have any equipment to work with.

Also Read: Factors That Help Bodybuilding In Gaining Muscle Mass

Joshua is a staff writer at Health Magazine Lab covering fitness, gym, and health clubs. He is interested in how technology changes physical activity and health.