How to get motivated to exercise when depressed

Getting up and exercising is important to stay healthy and good. Unfortunately, when you are depressed, this can be difficult. Finding the motivation to exercise when depressed can feel almost impossible.

In this blog post, we will explore some tips for getting motivated to exercise when depressed. Hopefully, these helpful tips will help you feel better soon.

Why is it so hard to work out when you’re sad?

It’s often hard to work out when you’re sad, but it’s so important that you don’t mind putting in the extra effort.

Exercise has been proven to improve mood and reduce stress, so working out when you’re sad can lift your spirits.

Working out can also improve your self-esteem and confidence, making you feel better.

7 Easy Ways to Get Motivated to Exercise when Depressed

Here are some things you can do to work out when you’re a little sad:

1) Choose an activity that you enjoy

Exercise doesn’t have to be a chore; you should choose an activity you enjoy. Try signing up for a yoga class, a kickboxing class, or a run club; exercise doesn’t have to be something you have to force yourself to do.

Try signing up for a class where you know there will be people you know so that you won’t feel as alone.

2) Start with 2-minute rules

Try doing 2 minutes of exercise, gradually increase it to 5 minutes, and so on. Often, you can get motivated to get more exercise by starting small and building up.

3) Set goals

Setting goals is a great way to stay motivated and committed to your exercise routine.

But set realistic goals. For example, start with 15 minutes of exercise daily and gradually work up to 30 minutes.

4) Find support

Let your loved ones know what you’re doing and ask for their help and support. Try joining an online support group or a quick Google search for exercise and depression. There’s a good chance you will find a good support group or forum.

5) Try something new

Do something different. For example, try a new sport or activity like rock climbing or martial arts.

This is a great way to get out of a rut and try something new and fun. Try to forget the old fun you had with exercise and try something more mentally focused.

6) Be Committed to yourself

You’ll have days when you don’t feel like exercising. But remember that being committed to your exercise routine will benefit you in the long run.

Work on self-love, and learn to love yourself. And when you feel down, remember that exercise can ease depression.

Try to remember that the benefits of exercising far outweigh the temporary negatives.

7) Remind yourself of all the benefits of exercising

Exercise doesn’t have to be a chore. It would be best if you exercise because it makes you feel better.

Try to think of all the benefits – some emotional and some physical. Not only will it clear your mind, but it can also make you feel better about yourself and relieve any stress you’re feeling.

Finish line

Exercising when you’re depressed can be tricky, but staying motivated is key to staying on track. We hope this article was helpful and that these tips inspire you to exercise again.

Joshua is a staff writer at Health Magazine Lab covering fitness, gym, and health clubs. He is interested in how technology changes physical activity and health.